We advocate for Virginia’s outside dogs.

Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge is a local chapter of Dogs Deserve Better Inc., seeking 501c3 nonprofit status. We are an all-volunteer team dedicated to freeing chained and penned dogs in Central Virginia.

Our mission is to provide a better life for abused, neglected, and abandoned animals by advocating for humane legislation, promoting spay and neutering, educating communities on animal welfare, and finding loving families for once forgotten souls.


Please check our video below to see how Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge takes action on our mission.


Working with Communities.

Getting a dog off a chain is something we take very seriously, and our team works hard every day to make it happen.

Whenever possible, the first step is to build a relationship with their humans, and from there we work together to identify the obstacles to giving their dogs a better life and finding solutions. 


Inside Life.

We work with so many families who believe chaining their dogs 24/7 is the only option. The reasons range from generational expectations (“this is how we’ve always done it”) to economics (expensive to build a fence).

However we find, with respectful engagement and understanding, attitudes can change. We are dedicated to giving people the tools they need to make that change.



Giving dogs the best life we can sometimes means finding them new homes.

Seeing a dog go from neglected, isolated, and heartbroken, to living inside as a cherished family member is an overwhelmingly rewarding experience.

If you are interested in fostering or adopting, please contact us!

new laws

Changing Laws.

We work with state and local lawmakers to change the standard of living for outside dogs in Virginia.

Under current state law, there are restrictions on chaining a dog 24/7. Click on the link below to read about the current tethering laws in Virginia!

The laws are the number one barrier to giving ALL dogs the life they deserve inside.